Frederick Wimsett - murals and artistic design - other projects The Queen at St Christophers place 3

Though choosing my favourite project is like asking me to choose a favourite child, this project certainly has a very special place in my heart.  London's premier shopping destination St Christopher's place wanted to do something to commemorate the Queen's 90th birthday.  Painting directly onto the wall would have been extremely difficult due to its setting, so we opted to paint onto a very high spec exterior MDF panels and assemble on site.  We chose to depict the Queen shortly after her coronation, looking oh so chic, with a bold dark blue background, surrounded by the quintessentially British oak, apple blossom, roses, and robins.  It was too tall to paint in either of my studios, so wound up painting Her Majesty in my living room- imagine waking up to a ten foot portrait of Her Majesty! Not being known for portraits, this was quite a challenge for me, as well as having such a well-known and loved subject! The campaign was a great success, and I'm personally very proud of the outcome.  What makes it dually satisfying is that the painting was sold privately after the campaign, with all of the money going to Great Ormond St Hospital.